Let's break that down a bit. Ten years ago I used to speak all over the country and had a talk entitled "Weight Loss - What's the Mystery?" My tagline was "When it comes to Weight Loss let your Jeans be YOUR Guide!" And of course my brand has evolved since then now it's called "The Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Program". And as you probably know by now the "Skinny" in "Skinny Jeans" is more of a state of mind and an attitude rather than just simply fitting into and wearing the now popular "Skinny jeans" style of jeans.
In the Monika world of weight loss "Skinny" means feeling good about yourself which includes having the utmost health and wellbeing possible! A strong statement and certainly attainable and sustainable. You must commit to yourself wholeheartedly if you want to have the Healthy body, mind and life you want. You must - it's the only way. Too many people fool themselves into believing there's a quick fix to having the trim body they are seeking - not you - right? As one of my clients and/or readers by now you certainly know it takes aconcerted effort to have the results you want. Prayer, visualization or meditation is good but you also need to take action to achieve your desired result. You have to learn how to take control of you life, take action andmake your health a priority rather than just fitting into a smaller size. Whether its baby steps or leaps you need help - there's no getting around that. We all do!
I have seen so many bright, beautiful women cheating themselves into believing they don't need any help. You may be thinking you can be more like a man and "do it all by myself". Here's a secret - I help men, too. Many times men have an easier time of taking the weight off on their own simply because they have more muscle than women - but often they struggle as well. This added advantage of "fat burning" muscle doesn't necessarily preclude them from needing some coaching. Women on the other hand need additional support wanting to talk things out helps them process their inner feelings - a very real part of a women's make-up needing to be honored at all times. You want to feel heard, nurtured, special and connected. What an absolutely great gift to give to yourself as you get "skinnier" and "healthier" all at the same time!